The COVID-19 pandemic presented a significant socio-economic challenge to countries throughout the world, including those in Asia and the Pacific. Countries in the region have struggled to simultaneously respond to the healthcare-related aspects of the pandemic and adapt their economies to absorb its impact on various vulnerable sectors and groups. Although governments introduced a broad range of policy responses to mitigate the immediate adverse impacts of the pandemic, questions remain as to how to go beyond the immediate and address the needs for long-term sustained economic resilience and recovery. Such questions have gained greater significance in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine along with myriad economic challenges that it is posing.
The focus by ESCAP has been on analysing and assessing the impact of various fiscal policy measures using the newly developed ESCAP Macroeconomic Model. This is a comprehensive analytical macroeconomic tool designed to help countries in the region assess the best paths to sustainable recovery that are in line with the SDGs. It allows for adjustments keeping in view country-specific conditions and priorities. Applied to three countries – Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Samoa – the Macroeconomic Model has proven to be very useful in analysing evidence based policy packages suited to the unique needs of countries in the region. Similar initiatives using other tools have been initiated by the ESCAP project partners. Taken together, they represent a robust and holistic coverage of policy and technical analyses to help countries recover from the pandemic and beyond.
The aim of this conference is to present, discuss and learn from the findings of the ESCAP Macroeconomic Model as well as the tools and policy assessments conducted by ESCAP project partners with countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Scope and Objective of the Conference:
1. To present an overview of the findings from ESCAP’s work on the ‘Response and Recovery’ project, as well as those of project partners like UNCTAD and ECLAC.
2. To share and discuss potential pathways to recovery and different policy scenarios that are relevant to Asia-Pacific economies.
3. To present Asia-Pacific stakeholders with tools relevant to policy planning for recovery from such crises in future.
Workshop Mode:
The workshop will take place online on June 30, 2022 from 9.30 – 13.30 Bangkok time.
Potential List of Participants:
Policymakers, think-tanks, academics and other relevant stakeholders from Asia and the Pacific
Please see under Documents for more details.