How is international finance supporting emerging markets and developing economies in their responses to the COVID-19 crisis? This is the question framing the UNCTAD-led project Response and recovery: Mobilizing Financial resources for development in the time of COVID.
Among other workstreams, the project provides two tools to help developing countries frame their responses in an unstable and uncertain international environment. The side event will present and discuss the latest outputs linked to these tools:
•The Global Financial Safety Net Tracker showing international liquidity provision during the COVID-19 crisis for all UN Member states and
•The Sustainable Development Finance Assessment (SDFA) framework, that assesses countries’ external and public sector financial needs against investment requirements arising from the most essential SDGs in the context of these crises.
The programme can be found here: https://unctad.org/meeting/side-event-2022-ecosoc-forum-financing-development
Contact: Penelope Hawkins, [email protected]
Registration details: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z4PffN3gRW-yV-2OzolAug
Virtual Event