The webinar provides an opportunity to showcase the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN) tracker with emphasis on the relative importance of the different liquidity options and the income-group profile during the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop brings together experts on the GFSN, representatives of member countries, policymakers and central bankers from beneficiary countries
The key objectives and expected outcomes of the event are the following:
- To create an open dialogue in which member States can gain awareness about the structural inequalities in the provision of crisis finance through the GFSN
- To provide a better understanding of the global liquidity options to developing countries, including their conditionalities and accessibility to different countries and regions
- To explore ways to leverage the comparative strengths of each GFSN element through coordination to safeguard better access of LICs and MICs to the GFSN.
14:00–15:30 (Central European Time)
May 4, 2022
14:00-14:05 Moderator: Penelope Hawkins (Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Debt and Development Finance Branch/UNCTAD)
14:05-14:15: Opening remarks: Richard Kozul-Wright (Director of the DGDS/UNCTAD) and Kevin Gallagher (GDP Center/Boston University)
14:15–14:35: Presentation GFSN tracker: Barbara Fritz, Institute for Latin American Studies/ Freie Universität and Laurissa Mühlich, Research associate, Global Financial Safety Net tracker.
14:35–14:50: Juan Pablo Paincera, Advisor, Central Bank of Brazil
14:50-15:05: Candelaria Alvarez Moroni, Undersecretary for International Coordination
Ministry of Economy, Argentina
15:05-15:30: Q & A (25 mins)
The webinar will take place on Zoom. Please register at this link.
For more information on Concept Note and Programme, please visit this link.